Monday, May 2, 2011

Drinking it in

C spends a lot of time with his tongue out of his mouth. Not just a cute pink tip popping out the corner, but a wide open mouth with tongue fully extended towards his chin like the yoga pose, just missing the crossed eyes. He takes after his aunty didi in having a rather large tongue.

My mum thinks its a because babies learn about things with their mouths, so an open mouth and extended tongue is a way to drink in experiences.

C started doing it any time he was the wind. I joined him one time and learnt that it does indeed create an interesting sensation as the saliva dries and your mouth cools down (I bet everyone of you will find yourself one windy day with your tongue out, just to see)

From the reactions of everyone around him he soon learnt that it was a very amusing habit and started to show his tongue to anyone who cared to look at him. Its very entertaining to see perfect stangers with their tongues outstretched in imitation of C. In the supermarket and on the train he leaves a wake of protruding tongues behind him.

I'm sure soon he will grow out of this habit and into another one, but for the time being its lovely to watch him open minded, open hearted and open mouthed, learning about his world.

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