Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our Terrorist

C is at a point now where he likes to destroy things. He has become our little terrorist intent on the destruction of our home. As he moves through the rooms he leaves a trail of displaced objects behind him like the wake of a cyclone.

His favourite game is to open the kitchen drawers and pull everything out of them. He unwinds the bin liners and crinkles the alfoil, he unfolds all the tea towels and chews on the stash of takeaway menus, strewing everything around him in chaotic delight. But he doesn't limit his fun to drawers. Unfolding clean washing and tipping over bins also feature highly on his fun radar. He also enjoys following me around, a little slap of hands and knees on the floor behind me. When I settle in one spot he finds the nearest drawer, cupboard or bin and goes at it.

Its very nice for him to explore everything but at times I get sick of tidying up the same things over and over again. When I want to get something done without a mess trail behind me I find myself behaving like there is a stalker with bad intentions in the house. I plan my movements for when I know he isn't watching. I make a dash to the kitchen, peering out the door to check I haven't been spotted fleeing. I start on the dishes, making as little noise as possible so as not to alert him to the fact that I have gone. But its just a matter of time and when he realises I'm no longer nearby he starts the hunt. "Ooh", he calls, "Where are you?" If I dont answer him he starts searching. He goes from room to room pausing in each doorway, ''Ooh!" As I hear him approaching, the dishes just half done I experience something similar to panic and shut the door, hoping to deter him him a bit longer. But he arrives, hears me inside and starts calling with earnest "Ooh, oooh", "Mum I'm here, why wont you play with me?"

And how can I resist that cheeky grin and those sparkly eyes. So the stalker settles back into his terrorism role and sets to work on the kitchen this time uncovering a treasure chest - the tupperware cupboard.

Oh what a mess...but oh what bliss!

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