Tuesday, May 3, 2011


In a couple of weeks my parents will arrive for their first visit in Brazil. They will stay almost a month.

There are many Brazilian things that I am excited for them to experience; a trip from Rio down the beautiful mountainous coast including a visit to a tropical island and a quaint historical town; a traditional brazilian barbeque with the extended family; the municipal market here in Sao Paulo brimming with all things delicious and of course some time in our beach house.

But mostly it will be great to have some babysitters for a month! Just kidding. The most exciting thing for me is to share my wondrous baby with my wonderful parents who have only seen him through skype since he was six weeks old. I cant wait for them to see the funny way he collapses when he goes to sleep. No lying down for him, he falls down, once even fell asleep sitting up. The way he squeals and flaps his little arms when he gets excited about something. His cute fluffy hair after bathtime. The way he brrrms with his lips when he's grumpy. He's enough entertainment for a month without even leaving the flat!

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